Monday, 21 May 2012

Raspberry Hill Gardens

I do hope you, the viewer will enjoy my creation of the past 14 years.
There is much more to come as we move into 2012 and forward. ' Enjoy & learn from the past, revel in the present and move into the future' Growth and Expansion is exciting, invigorating and necessary to continue as life itself, evolves.
May Nature's Creations forever give you joy..............
....As I eluded to earlier,  about the many gardening informational items one finds to enjoy or to learn from... each of us receive our pleasures from THE 'gardening experience' ..differently. It can be hard to actually relate those feelings and thoughts verbally to our friends and family....Some put their feelings on canvas some take pen & paper in hand and now we have the computer or social media to express and share those personal thoughts and emotions.

While I labor in my garden my eyes and mind are always drinking in the many scenes. On one particular afternoon I looked across to the south and admired my farmer neighbour's crop......poetry entered my mind. This poem being the first of more to come........

Garden of Gold
Golden stems rustle in the breeze
In my garden of soul
Here is where I toil away the hours
Enjoying the true feeling of peace
Understanding the true meaning of my
Understanding the true meaning of
As God has created all that surrounds
I am just the instrument of care
As I witness the growth of my years
In my garden of soul
Copyright (c)2007 Barb Gulka

               Gardening Elf
           Harvest of Valiant Grapes                 

 Rows of swathed wheat
 View from the top
 The beauty of Yellow
 One branch of the apple crop

Heading for the table vase

Special U.S. visitors enjoying the many garden colours

The start of a Harvest Season

Highbush Cranberry Shrub
A very true message!

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