Yep, your right...for 46 years of my planting 'life' VEGETABLES came first! and by the time I got the half acre of seeds in the ground, I was too 'pooped' litterly! to plan or tend to a flower garden.
Although I always did have a few flowers around the house or on the edge of the
VEGETABLE garden most definately the veggie garden came first, any extra went to the farmers market table for sale.....Understandably, the family needed to be fed and I enjoyed all the fresh produce too.....but I yearned to create and express myself through the beauty of flowers......
....But.....I do give the veggie gardener kudo's and I so admire all they produce....and I love to eat it! I will go to the markets and gladly give them their financial dues for the pleasure of partaking in their harvest!
So for the past 14 years and into the next 14 WILL BE....sweet treats (berries) and all colours of beauty (flowers & shrubs) AND I will stand along beside the Veggie gardener with equal pride and know I am also feeding....THE SOUL....
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