Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Lilac Beautys

Lilacs are hardy, long-lived plants. As a result, civilizations around the world plant lilacs for their carefree beauty and pleasant scent. Today in America, lilacs mark many abandoned and decayed homesteads. Every spring they bloom, memorial markers to dooryards long gone. Settlers planted them for one essential purpose – to create a bit of beauty in a rugged and difficult existence. When the settlers were gone, the lilacs continued their singular chore of giving us a brief glimpse of beauty every spring.
Read more at Suite101: Lilacs: History and Culture: Known Also as Syringa, This Garden Plant Has Lovely Flowers | Suite101.com http://suite101.com/article/lilacs-a20880#ixzz1yIIXtua9

I love the Lilac...my son on the other hand, says, wow mom!  and his alergies take off in a big way. Thank goodness he is rarely on my garden during the Lilac season! I could not bear 'not to have the opportunity' to enjoy, admire, and photograph the beauty, or watch the various feeding frenzy by the bees, butterflies, humming birds.

I am still enjoying and admiring, the flowers are almost completely out, and the blaze should last about another couple weeks or so....

 the bees were so busy on this day..

 so far, my prized photo this spring!

I now share with you the age old 'historical' proud display.........

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