Wednesday, 19 September 2012

as I say...'The Changing of the Colours' 2012

Fall is reflection time....In the gardening world ....the political world...the business world....the end of another year world....

You might do those worlds align with each my estimation, usually the fall time is election is 'the season'  in my small city of Lloydminster.  Fall clean up time in the gardens.  Year end clean up in the business world.

...politicians and I said it is clean up time.  The opportunity has come.  Local/provincial/federal/national elections are in front of us daily.   Political figures can be planted or removed.  If over the past 'season' the plant doesn't align with your visions for your garden....make the effort to remove 'it' or re-position 'it'.....sometimes it isn't that easy....roots still remain and can cause it will take extra effort to rid the garden of what you no longer want.

...and the business world vs gardening....year ends loom on the horizon.  How did the past year produce?  Did all your plans go accordingly?  Was the bounty fruitful?  What changes need to happen to begin a new 'season'

Business-Politics-Gardening which ever heading pleases you the how and where your reflections will your weeding out the 'useless'  'un- productive'
disappointing 'plants' a new vision emerges and the building will then begin all over again.

Fall is for the most part the last show!  The last great effort to message the observer.

It says 'Look at me can you see how 'important' I am in your garden'  and we may weaken and say Ok just one more season'  Show me what you really can do!

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